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QLD: Q&A Do you need a disability parking permit to use the disabled parking?

disability parking permit qld

We’ve recently received a few questions from Queensland strata lot owners concerning strata parking allocation for disabled parking. Are disabled parking spots in QLD strata buildings reserved for people with a disability parking permit?

Table of Contents:

Question: If a QLD apartment block has a permanent disability parking space, can the apartment allocate it to one disabled person only or must the disability space be shared by other disabled people in the apartment block?

Answer: This issue can cause some confusion so it is worth clarify and marking the spaces clearly.

In addition to any disabled markings, the spot should either be designated as a visitor’s space or assigned to an individual lot.

If it is a visitor’s space, then you would expect it to be a shared space for disabled people using the building.

If it is assigned to one lot then the space is for the use of that lot only. It doesn’t matter if the lot owner is disabled – they can use the space how they want and the markings indicate that the space is suitable for disabled vehicles.

This issue can cause some confusion so it is worth clarify and marking the spaces clearly.

William Marquand Tower Body Corporate E: P: 07 5609 4924

This post appears in Strata News #479.

Question: Can our body corporate allow elderly people over 75 yrs of age or people with small children who are visitors to park in the disabled car park if the visitor parking is full?

Answer: This would depend on the terms of the body corporate’s development approval.

Todd Garsden – This would depend on the terms of the body corporate’s development approval which may set out the use of the disabled car park. I suspect it would not allow usage based on age – but rather disability.

William Marquand – Disabled parking spaces are designed for people with a disability. So, in QLD, unless a person using the space has a disability and relevant disability parking permit they shouldn’t park in those spots. There are state and national laws mandating this so it is not something that you can get around.

If you think the space could be better used then perhaps the committee could raise the issue with the council to see if it could be re designated.

This post appears in Strata News #449.

Question: Can an owner with a QLD disability parking permit use the disabled car space for permanent parking?

Can an owner with a QLD disability parking permit use the disabled car space for permanent parking, as a way of obtaining a second car space? The unit has one car space but the owners have two cars.

Answer: Residents are unable to park in visitor car spaces.

If the disabled car space that they are referring to is a visitor car space, then no, residents are unable to park there.

Having a certain number of visitor spots for a scheme is a requirement of the local council, and they are for the sole use of visitors to the complex.

Residents using the visitor spaces themselves would not be abiding by the strata parking allocation and would be in breach of the body corporate bylaws.

Tower Body Corporate E: P: 07 5609 4924

This article is not intended to be personal advice and you should not rely on it as a substitute for any form of advice.

This post appears in Strata News #102.

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Are you interested in more about strata parking allocation and exclusive use or information particular to QLD legislation? Visit Strata Parking OR Strata Legislation QLD

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